Monday, June 18, 2007


"Home! Home! that only trace of the original paradise which God's mercy has spared in a world of sin."

Amanda sent me this quote in the year 2000. I have no idea who to credit it to. I do not remember where she was or why she sent it. I found it this morning while going through some old books and things that I had kept.

It hit me that the quote is not true for everyone in this world....some homes are more like hell on earth....they are not a safe haven and a refuge from the outside world.

But it spoke to me that our daughter saw our home like that.....and that is how I feel when I come home. This tiny apartment is my home right now and this is where I find comfort from the storm.

When I arrived here on May 25th I was an absolute wreck. Tomorrow I get back on the road to Savannah. I have been refreshed. The comforts of home have nurtured me back to health. It is more than a safe is a "little piece of heaven in a world of sin."

"In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for Thou alone, O Lord, dost make me to dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8

I will be looking forward to coming back home!

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