Tuesday, January 22, 2008

boats at the dock

To get onto Tybee Island one must cross the Lazeretto creek bridge. It is one of those places where I can hardly take in all of the beauty. To the right one sees the sight you see above in the photo. To the left you see the Cockspur Island Lighthouse and the water of the bay heading out to the ocean. The scene is quite breathtaking.
Today the weather was mild, so I walked down to the pier and took this picture among others.
I liked the color in this one the best.
The pain in my neck and shoulders is getting worse instead of better. I am thinking it may be caused by my time at the computer writing these blogs. I do often spend up to an hour or more laboring over my writings and it may be taking it's toll. Anything requiring repetitive strain does me in.
I went to the health food store today to get my calcium and I asked the girl if she had a natural muscle relaxant. I don't want to take the real thing because it makes me "loopy," or as some would say, "loopier."
She gave me something and told me to put five stopper fulls in some water and drink it down. She also warned me not to drive after taking it.
I waited until I got home and did what she said. I am here to tell you that stuff was the most bitter, horrible tasting potion ever to pass my lips. Plus it did nothing for my pain.....oh well, so much for natural remedies. I can't bear to taste it again.
The occupational therapist came to Eli today, He will wear a splint on his left thumb to help him be able to use that hand. The physical therapist comes tomorrow. She is helping him with his sitting up issues. The MRI is scheduled for February 14th. Please pray for little Eli and his mom and dad.
I must will myself not to leave the condo tomorrow. There is so much to do here and Bubba will be away for the night, so I can really get a lot done.
Be sure to click on the picture to get the full impact..............c

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