Monday, March 3, 2008

not knowing right from left

How can I write again after the now famous "lizard" blog. My dream came true. I received five wonderful comments. I now feel inadequate to do a follow-up.

I need to comment on the word "receive." I always have to pause and think about how it is spelled. Never can I get it instinctively. Why do I always struggle with that word?

It is kinda like my not knowing right from left without stopping to think.

I went to kindergarten.....most people learn that simple task by then at least, but not me. Here I am sixty years old and still struggling.

We are moving into our house this week. I have almost gotten my kitchen "set up" and ready to function. I am enjoying all of the surprises in boxes that were packed many months ago.

I have a floor to ceiling cupboard to hold all of my dishes which I just love. (I love the cupboard, not the dishes. The dishes are plain, and old, and white.) I bought some beautiful sheets of paper today at my favorite store in downtown and I lined the shelves. Now it makes me very happy when I open the doors.

We hope to spend the night on Wednesday or at the latest Thursday. Bubba told me just now that our king size bed won't arrive until Friday, so I put in a request to wait until then. (I'm having some issues with leaving the beach.)

The crowds are starting to come now (spring breakers) so I just as soon leave it to them because they are noisy. I like the off-season best.

I read this verse early this morning:

Hebrews 10:31 "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

It is in no one's best interest to stand before God without coming to Him with Jesus as our advocate.

Thank you Jesus for making it possible for us to stand before God covered with your righteousness.

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