Monday, July 7, 2008

contending for a soul

The 10,000th visitor came and went without much fanfare.

I wonder if I can keep writing until the sitemeter reads 50,000?

Day by blog at a time. We'll see.

This is a big day. Amanda, Jake, and Eli are headed this way. Can't wait to see them.

This weekend has been one of those times that has tried my soul....

I read this verse this morning:

Psalm 79: 9 "Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name."

My only prayer is that our great God will bring glory to Himself out of this situation.

That's it....that's all I ask. In all of the pettiness and smallness of our infinite minds we cannot see beyond our own sinfulness.

Four things:

Have compassion on those who may be suffering.

Don't let fear keep you from doing what is right. A man's eternal soul is more important than placating him while he is here on the earth.

If you feel you've been wronged, deal with it quickly.

and forgive at the speed of light.

To God be the Glory, great things He has done.

In love, Cathy

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