Thursday, October 17, 2013

eating cookies on the back porch

It was one of those old-fashioned evenings,
kids running barefoot around the backyard
playing hide & seek
and eating cookies on the porch.

Just look at Gus...
in utter and complete happiness.
His cookie was forbidden,
but he is eating it you see.
He didn't eat much of his dinner,
and the rule is....
"If you don't eat your dinner, 
you don't get dessert."

I mistakenly gave him one anyway.

When his mom found out
 she confiscated what was left of the cookie.
He didn't like that at all,
and then he said...
"Jake made do it."

Three years old...
already blameshifting.
he's a hoot

The bunk beds are full and I am a very
blessed grammy.
These kids are my delight!
Nights like this,
I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

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