Tuesday, February 25, 2014

flowers from my Lu

She brought me flowers tonight.
She left them in the car,
but I got them just the same.
As they were leaving she handed them to me.
These are for you, gram.

I don't know how it is possible to love someone so much.

Thankful tonight for 
and granddaughters.
Spring like days in February,
and broccoli~chicken casserole made by my husband.
For cupcakes and coffee,
for lunch with a friend,
for cards in the mail....my birthday continues.

More memories....
pig tails,
and ballet slippers.
Flouncy skirts,
and hugs and kisses.

Our Good God is on His throne tonight.
There are stars in the sky
and the promise of rain.
All of His grace gifts are ours to enjoy.
Thank You...Thank You!

"The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places."
Psalm 16:6

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