Tuesday, February 4, 2014

passings :(

We've watched them for months....
two eagles appropriately named
Ozzie and Harriet,
high up in a pine tree somewhere in
Southwest Florida.

There is a camera mounted incognito 
which records all of their comings and goings.
We have been fascinated and greatly entertained
by these two as they prepared for,
and then cared for two baby eaglets.

Today, sadly,
we tuned in and and discovered 
that one of the as yet unnamed baby eaglets had died.

Eagles are majestic...
such beautiful, hardworking birds of the sky.
The baby eaglet's death was in no way caused by neglect.
The sole purpose of Ozzie and Harriet 
was to prepare for and take care of their young.

Many times we saw a whole fish lying in the nest.
While they were tiny,
one or the other of the parents were always covering their young,
protecting them and keeping them warm.

Hopefully the one remaining eaglet will survive and thrive,
{we'll be watching}
soon to leave the nest and grow to be 
a wondrous eagle with a family of his own.

"Look at the birds of the air,
for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns,
yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they?"
Matthew 6:26

*Southwest  Florida Eagle Cam

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