Monday, February 3, 2014

that boy ~ girl thing

I've been saving this picture
for the "love" month ~ February.

So, read it and weep....
boys and girls, men and women,
do not see it the same way.
Never have ~ never will.

Lucy and Jake have always been best buds.
There is a very special cousin bond between them
Lucy is all "touchy feely,"
and Jake is a hands off boy.

The picture says it all.
Lucy is relaxed and happy....
giving Jake a hug,
relishing in it.
Lucy is "leaning" in.

Jake, on the other hand,
is tolerating.
He is tense and on guard.
"I'm really not very comfortable with this at all."
"I like you a lot Lucy,
I've got my arm around your neck,
but this needs to end soon so that I can get back to playing."
Jake is "leaning" out.

No matter how hard "the world" wants to
break down the barriers between the sexes,
it will never happen.
We are what we are and we fit together perfectly.
God made us that way.

The most wonderful relationship this side of heaven
 is that between a man and a woman 
who flourish
 in each others differences.

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