Monday, October 14, 2024

memories of hurricane helene

One of the things I missed the most during the long power outage was hot water.
Hot water is definitely something we take for granted.
Actually, I was very thankful to have water running through the faucets.
But I truly missed hot water.

Thankfully, I have a natural gas stove.
When I remembered how to light the burners I was in business. 
I boiled water to make coffee,
to wash dishes,
to wash myself.
All of my family were jumping in a cold shower.
I couldn't bring myself to do that.

The picture is of my laundry room
I found another use for hair-washing station.
I gathered all my supplies and got it done.
It was a bit laborious.
I made a mess...
but the wonderfulness of fresh clean hair was worth it all.

There was no electricity for my hair dryer.
I let it dry naturally.
It became a frizzy mess,
but it was clean.

I'm so thankful that God didn't bring me into this world in pioneer times.
I can't even imagine how those poor women survived.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

milton the hurricane

the ferocious hurricane that we have watched and dreaded for days,
brushed past Savannah this morning with merely a sigh.
He was exhausted from all of the damage he caused in Florida overnight.

I woke up to misty rain and gusty wind,
but when I saw the red lights on my clock I knew he had spared us.
We all thought we would have round two, two weeks later,
but thankfully, God kept him away from our fair city.

The Hollingsworth family did not suffer any damage,
but they were surrounded by tornados that devastated neighborhoods very close to them.
So scary!

At 2:00 in the afternoon after Milton passed this morning,
 the winds are breezy in a bright blue, sun-filled sky.
Temperatures have cooled off a bit.
Could we be done with hot and humid for a while?
Could Fall be right around the corner?
Most of all,
could we be done with hurricanes for a while?

God in heaven, thank You.
You control the wind.
 I't goes where You command.
Be with those people who in the last two weeks have lost everything. 
May they find You in the process of recovery.

"And they
 (Jesus' disciples)
 became very much afraid and said to one another,
'Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?' "
Mark 4:41

It is Jesus who made heaven and earth.
Put your faith and trust in Him.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Discombobulated is the perfect word to describe my condition
 the morning after Hurricane Helene hit Savannah.

First of all, I slept through the storm.
We had no warning or watches.
School was not canceled.
Needless to say,
we were not prepared for what had happened while we were sleeping.

I knew immediately that the power was off.
The first thing I do when I wake up is look for the red numbers on my clock.
They were not there.
Black as the Ace of Spades.
There was no light anywhere.
 The city of Savannah was turned off by some master switch somewhere.

I always fix my coffee the night before.
It was ready to plug in but there was no power.
There would be no coffee.
I gathered some candles and flashlights,
got them going,
and went to sit down and think.

It was only a short time before David called.
He came quickly to my aid.
His home was powerless also.
Seems as if we lost it between midnight and 1:30 AM.

He showed me how to make coffee in the French Press Erika had given me.
He also showed me how to light my gas stove with a firestick.
Soon I had breakfast!
I cooked my bagel in the frying pan.

Thus started five days with no power.
More to come.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

God will accomplish all of His purposes

It has been a hard week for so many people.
So much suffering.
So much death and destruction.
But through all of the chaos and confusion
God will accomplish His purposes.
Please pray!

*I used this quote once before on May 2, 2024,
but thought it bore repeating.
It's a reminder for those who believe.
We can trust the One who gave us His written Word,
the One who made all of those promises.
This is how we can remain calm amid chaos.
Everything will work out for our good in the end.


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

power restored

 My power just came back on.

I can't even believe it!

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your new mercies every morning.

Thank you for Your great faithfulness.

David and family moving in until their power comes.

A sweet friend is bringing us dinner.

Lots of wild and crazy rejoicing here this evening.

A happy ending to quite the ordeal.

Thanks for all the prayers.



Thursday, September 26, 2024

where is the state of Georgia?

 what are you up to?
It seems like you've already been here.
It poured rain all morning.
The sky was dark with heavy-laden clouds.
There was lightning and thunder.
The air was heavy with humidity.
there was no wind.
That's probably because you didn't come through Savannah this morning.
You are still in the Gulf of Mexico.

It seems as if you are headed to Atlanta,
a former home of mine.
I have a lot of friends and family up there.
I pray you will be kind and not do much damage.
I am really afraid for the people who live in the Big Bend of Florida.
A direct hit would be devastating.

Helene is a huge storm that popped out of nowhere,
became a category 3 Hurricane,
and is now poised to make landfall very soon.
Such chaos!
It seems like there is chaos everywhere right now.
Jesus brings peace.
"Be anxious for nothing.
In everything give thanks.
For this is God's will for you."
Trust Him completely,
Jesus calmed the storms
He still does that.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

tulips ~ pink and green

I 💗 Tulips!
Tulips are a rather fragile flower.
When I buy them the blooms are covered up by the long leaves.
Gradually, one by one, they peek out and then open up to their full glory.
The leaves begin to droop,
the tulips open wide,
and then they are gone.
It's a fast cycle.
But oh wow, it is glorious.
I love the flowers at Whole Foods.
They are always fresh and usually available at a good price.

God gives us so many things to cherish and enjoy.
His beauty can be spotted everywhere...
even amid the chaos.
Our God is faithful and loving and kind.
He is worthy to be given praise and honor, and glory.

This is a good way to choose not to sin.
That thought,
that unkind word,
that anger,
that depression, 
that temptation that comes out of the blue,
all manner of evil that we are capable of and carry out.

If we just stop and ask ourselves this question...
"Will this that I'm about to do glorify Jesus?"
Think of all the sins we wouldn't commit.

"Do all for the glory of God."