Thursday, May 16, 2024

from kindergarten to high school graduate

Congratulations Jake!
You did it! 
I am so proud of you!
I can't wait to see what God has for you as you step out into the future!
I'll see you in a few weeks to celebrate.
I can't wait to hear all of your fun and exciting stories.

Always seek God in His Word and you will find His truth.
Pray and ask for wisdom.
He will give it freely.
Strive to be like Jesus in all of your ways.

I love you!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean into your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your path straight."

 Proverbs 3:5&6


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

mother's day, house guests, cooking, planting

The David Cleland
 family is in the midst of having their kitchen remodeled.
This past weekend. was crunch time.
The space was completely empty.
They had to set up a temporary kitchen with minimal meal preparation methods.

Erika's sister and her husband came from North Carolina
 to start putting everything back in working order.
The David Cleland 
family moved in with me for a few days.
They moved back home yesterday.
The kitchen is still not done but it is getting close.
It's going to be amazing.

Who can guess what is planted above in my beautiful blue planter?
It is a blueberry bush.
My Mother's Day gift from the David Cleland family.
I am so excited to grow my own blueberries.

who knows what I love,
gave me a gorgeous rose bush with pink roses.
They will appear soon I hope.
The bush is a climber and she envisions it growing up,
and covering my green fence with masses of pink roses.
I can't wait to watch this extravaganza happen.
What could be a more exciting gift?

The best!

I cooked these marinated pork tenderloins on Monday night.
For our sides, I made my famous red rice and honey-infused cornbread.
There were no leftovers.

What a fun Mother's Day to have my family here.
Lots of laughter and good conversations.

I've been busy!
Good busy.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Jake graduates from high school this week

Jake is our firstborn grandson.
Bubba took this new role very seriously.
Jake and his granddaddy were tight from the start.
Bubba spent a lot of time imparting wisdom.
Jake listened very carefully.

 Bubba's death had a tremendous impact on Jake.
He credits it with being a turning point in his life.
Jake honored Bubba at his baptism last year by mentioning him in his testimony.

What a blessing Jake has been.
He has worked diligently to finish high school well.
He is a hard worker at Chick-fil-A.
He is always on time,
and eager to serve.
He loves our Lord Jesus and never misses an opportunity to attend church.
He loves his Mom and Dad and his brother Eli.
He is respectful.
He is neat and orderly.
He loves spending time with his friends.
He drives a black 2013 Honda Pilot.
He is a good driver and is Eli's favorite chauffeur.

God has richly blessed Jake.
I am so thankful that he is my grandson.
What joy he brings!


Sunday, May 5, 2024

the last of the "little" guys

I feel strongly like I'm constantly throwing a party.
Actually, I love throwing parties.
Have an occasion?
Call me!
We'll make a plan.

Walter's real birthday was on Monday.
His family party was last evening.
In the meantime, he got sick with a fever.
He came anyway but was definitely not himself.
We canceled lawn darks in the backyard.
He just couldn't eat much of all of his favorite food.
Some scenes at my house yesterday...

Cooking a big pot of rice.
Bring it to a boil and then turn it down to simmer for 20 minutes.
I add my special seasonings and butter.
They love it and it fills them up.

Broccoli-chicken casserole cooking in my oven.
They 💗 it too.
Always a crowd favorite.

Drink station.
I offer up sweet tea and lemonade.
I didn't bring out my Vietre dinnerware and goblets.
Walter likes my multi-colored plastic cups.
And, we just toss them in the trash.

For dessert,
Chocolate Surprise by request.
Chopped pecan and butter crust,
Cream cheese filling,
Chocolate pudding,
Whipped cream topping.
Always has been a crowd-pleaser!

My loves!
Happy # 9 littlest guy!


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

walter turns 9 & cooking with gus

On Monday, Walter turned 9.
I didn't have his birthday party at my house
 because some important family members were out of town.
But of course, we couldn't let the day pass without a celebration.
He chose Bow Ties because he felt like eating chicken fingers and they have good ones.
After eating, he was allowed to pick a dessert we would all share.
He chose banana pudding.
We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Walter has a great love of small, die-cast metal cars.
We found this one online many months ago.
I wrote it down and ordered it for his big day.
It is a vintage 1953 cherry red Cadillac.
He loved it!

His real Happy Birthday party will be at Gram's house this Saturday night.
He wants a Broccoli-Chicken casserole for his main course,
and my famous Chocolate Surprise for dessert.
There will be lots of lawn darts in the backyard,
presents to open in front of the fireplace,
blowing out of the candles,
and a hearty rendition of "Happy Birthday to You."

Today Gus and his class hosted a Roman feast for the 5th and 6th graders.
It's a huge deal.
Lots of Roman togas and head wraps.
Yesterday afternoon he came to my kitchen to cook his dishes.
He made Barley Porridge and Pyramid Cakes.
 Everything turned out well.
The pyramid Cakes did not look like pyramids but they tasted delicious.
He is making the cakes in the picture above.

I hope it all made it to school today warm and delicious.
He is quite the conscientious cook.
He measures well and can double recipes.
We made a mess but that's okay.
Messes can be cleaned up!

Two boys ~ two joys!