Wednesday, May 15, 2024

mother's day, house guests, cooking, planting

The David Cleland
 family is in the midst of having their kitchen remodeled.
This past weekend. was crunch time.
The space was completely empty.
They had to set up a temporary kitchen with minimal meal preparation methods.

Erika's sister and her husband came from North Carolina
 to start putting everything back in working order.
The David Cleland 
family moved in with me for a few days.
They moved back home yesterday.
The kitchen is still not done but it is getting close.
It's going to be amazing.

Who can guess what is planted above in my beautiful blue planter?
It is a blueberry bush.
My Mother's Day gift from the David Cleland family.
I am so excited to grow my own blueberries.

who knows what I love,
gave me a gorgeous rose bush with pink roses.
They will appear soon I hope.
The bush is a climber and she envisions it growing up,
and covering my green fence with masses of pink roses.
I can't wait to watch this extravaganza happen.
What could be a more exciting gift?

The best!

I cooked these marinated pork tenderloins on Monday night.
For our sides, I made my famous red rice and honey-infused cornbread.
There were no leftovers.

What a fun Mother's Day to have my family here.
Lots of laughter and good conversations.

I've been busy!
Good busy.


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