Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Bubba would have turned 80 years old yesterday.
I can't wrap my head around 80.
In my mind,
 he will always be 75.

Last evening we went to Cancun Mexican Restaurant.
We spent a lot of time remembering him.
We laughed a lot as some of our funny memories were shared around the table.
Who has binoculars this big?
Where are they now?
I would love to take them on our next cruise.

Erika sent these pictures of happy times with Granddaddy.

I always loved his smile.

Party chaos!
Definition of chaos...
complete disorder and confusion.
Amid the chaos, Grammy rests her eyes.

Bubba greatly loved his Grandchildren.
They will never forget him because we talk of him quite frequently.
Oh, the memories.
I'm just so thankful for all of the happy memories of Bubba in my heart.


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