Friday, May 24, 2024

when the green comes back

I think that's why I love the spring so much.
Everything comes back to life with such a flourish.
Brown and gray become green and bright blue.

I have joy in my home just by looking out of the windows.
God, the way you do the seasons...
Well, it's just perfect.
Thank you for allowing me to experience the beauty of your creation.

This is my pink geranium.
It sits out on my front porch in all of its glory.
It welcomes my guests.
It always gets compliments.
Bubba loved the red geraniums best but I like the pink ones more.
I have added so many touches of pink to my new home.
It's peeking out in many different places.

This hydrangea surprised me this spring.
I've had it out back since I moved in.
It would never bloom.
This year I brought it to the front.
I placed it behind the shrubbery in the early morning sun.
A few weeks ago I noticed tiny blooms.
Now look.
These beauties have appeared.

I hope God lets me have a flower garden in heaven. 💗


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