Sunday, July 22, 2007

hillary's house

We finally found it.....after several nights and several trips up and down Massachusetts Ave. we spotted the right road. Bubba and Keith had been taken there by a friend when the Crosby's were in town several weeks ago. Bubba knew that it was close to the Naval Observatory where Vice President Cheney resides, but we just couldn't find the right road.

Why would we care about seeing Hillary's house? I guess it was just curiosity. She certainly holds no appeal to us, but we were sure glad when Bubba got the correct address in his hand.

We knew which one was hers even though there were no numbers on the door. There was a big, black secret service van parked out front with two guys inside. There was also a big, blue portable toilet for the guys to relieve themselves if need be. For their sake we pretended to be looking for the Hellenistic Learning Center which was located across the street.

I don't think we fooled those agents though when we turned around and came back for a second look. No one is that interested in Greek studies. Bubba said you can bet they recorded the make and model of our car and our license plate.

It was a red brick traditional style two story house sitting close to the street. Very ordinary looking and in keeping with it's location in Georgetown, one of the wealthiest area in DC. The only aberation was that all of the windows had black-out paper instead of curtains or blinds. It was probably bullet proof as well. There was absolutely no way to see inside.

Amanda and I thought that she was probably home, but Bubba guessed that she was on the campaign trial. Who cares....we got to see her house and now we know where it is.

John Kerry and John Edwards also live on the same street. Kerry's house had four black BMW's parked out front.

It's fun every now and then to see how the rich and famous live. I just hope that none of these become any more famous than they are right now!!!!!

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