Tuesday, August 21, 2007

i forgot

Yesterday I had an appointment with my allergist at 1:00 pm. He has helped me so much and I was looking forward to a good check-up and not to have to come back for a while.

As I was looking for a magazine to make the waiting time pass faster, my earring fell out and bounced on the chair. Being one of my most prized possessions in the world, I thanked God immediately that it fell out where I could find it. I had forgotten to put the back on and it had hung precariously in my ear lobe all morning.

About that time the nurse called me....."Mrs. Cleland, you are exactly one month to the minute early for your appointment." I had written it on my calendar wrong.

I understand why Peter wrote so many times in II Peter that we need to be constantly reminded of the things concerning our faith. We read and are amazed by the truth that we learn and then we forget it and go on living as "those who have no hope."

That's why we have to be consistently in God's word because we are so forgetful. God knew enough about our frailty to inspire Peter to write that we need to be "constantly reminded."

The shadow of death hangs over us right now. We watch as Nana tenaciously hangs on to her life. She is a very strong woman who has been incredibly healthy all of her life. She is at peace....God is so good.....Praise His holy name and the name of Jesus Christ His Son.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathy,

I finally was able to get on your blog....Your "forgetfulness" is just one more sign that "YOU'RE GETTING OLD!" I have had this ailment for some time. I remember my first Precept bible study on the names of God....I was so anxious for it to start that I, too, arrived a month early. I kept looking around the church for the others attending, and finally realized that I was early! Humiliating!!! Another time, at the same study, I forgot to turn my car off and left it running with the air conditioner on high for the whole 2 hours that I was inthe class....