Saturday, July 4, 2009

from sea to shining sea

Independence Day, also commonly called "The Fourth of July," is a federal holiday celebrated in the United States of America commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Today, as a nation, we are 233 years old.....relatively young as nations go.

We brought the day in last night on the sandy shores of beach Tybee.
It was a gorgeous evening.....

a not quite full moom shining out over the ocean making it gleam like glass
people homesteading on the sand with their families under makeshift tents....
gentle laughter, bursts of light from sparklers
a cool breeze blowing in with the heady smell of salt water.

I loved every minute of the fireworks....each burst of light filled our eyes with wonder, but more than that, seeing the light reflected in little Lucy's eyes. At times I thought she was more interested in playing in the sand at night.....but no, she loved and took it all in.

Today I rejoice because.....

Harry is home and their family is reunited
Our country is still free
We can worship and pray and read His word without fear

Oh, and by the way, Bubba found that good watermelon for me (I knew he would).......It is cold and delicious, just like the old days. It and I have been celebrating all day.

Have a Happy Fourth of July!!!!

added at 7:45 ~We just got home from getting our ribs and chicken at Johnny Harris.
Will be starting the "War and Remembrence" movies and eating lemon pie.
It was a throughougly lovely and relaxing day.

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