Wednesday, December 16, 2009

dreams & things

The last time I saw my father was about six weeks ago.
He and I were out in Bonaventure cemetary.
God put it in my heart to ask him one more time to stop hating my husband.
He agreed to meet with me and our pastor and I was so encouraged.

Unfortunately, it was not to be.
It wasn't long before he got up and ran out of that meeting which had so much potential.

I have dreams.
They are changing as I get older,
but I still have them.

Most of the time dreams don't come true,
but I will never stop believing that they can.

My dream is that my dad will repent and be done with the hate so that we can be together as a family once again.

He has given up everything to hate Bubba.
Three precious little boys and a beautiful girl are deprived of knowing their great grandfather.
I would ask him, is it worth it?

God is love, even in His wrath He is love.
There is no hate in Him at all.

If I ever see my sister again I will ask her one simple question, Why?


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