Monday, March 24, 2014

what does that mean?

"Love not the world, 
neither the things that are in the world."
I John 2:15

Surely God does not mean that we should not love the
 beautiful and wondrous things in the world that He created...
The mountains,
the oceans,
 the flowers and trees,
the animals,
the birds of the sky,
the lakes and streams and deserts,
or the heavens,
filled with stars and the sun and the moon.

All of these things He created and put here for us to enjoy....
to cause us to worship Him and praise Him.
Those things are not at issue.

what does this verse mean....

 the very text and the whole teaching of the Bible
 shows that it must mean
 the organization 
and the mind 
and the outlook of man 
as it ignores God 
and does not recognize Him
 and as it lives a life independent of Him,
 a life that is based on this world and this life only.

It means the outlook that has rebelled against God
 and turned its back upon Him.

It means, 
in other words,
the typical kind of life that is being lived 
by the average person today,
who has no thought of God, but thinks only of this world and life,
who thinks in terms of time 
and is governed by certain instincts and desires.

It is the whole outlook on life 
that is exclusive of God."

Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Life in Christ

Sound familiar?
You may know this person.

Good chapter ~  second book
chapter 7
page 213

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