Tuesday, April 15, 2014

deer dilemma

What I had envisioned for our backyard is not to be.
Some four-legged,
beautiful creations of God
that cause me to almost have
a car wreck when I see them beside the road
because I have to stop and gaze.....
these amazing animals of the wild,
love the same flowers I do.

as I mentioned last night,
they devoured the geraniums the very first night they were planted.
The only reason they didn't eat the 
beautiful blue hydrangeas
was because we kept them in the garage.

So, Harry B and I went over to the nursery
and asked for help....
"What flowers do you have that are detestable to the deer?"

I will interject here what a great helper
is my Harry B.
He loaded the wagon full of flowers,
he pulled us up to pay,
and he loaded up the back of my van for me.
He even unloaded the flowers when we returned home.

So....vinca in the pot above,
and below you will see my lavender and echinacea.

So far, so good.
Not one little leaf has been bitten.

Cold again tonight.
40 with a wind chill of 28.
Can't shake winter.
Hope my flowers survive!

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