Monday, August 4, 2014

a week at the beach

I told Bubba,
all I want to do this summer is to spend a week at the beach,
just him and me.
I think its getting ready to happen.

I want to open my door and step onto the beach. 
I want to hear the waves while I sleep. 
I want to get up early and watch the sun rise over the ocean.
I want to take a chair down to the edge of the water,
a good book,
and a bottle of water,
I want to sit and read,

I want to ease out into the warm waves,
I want to float on my back,
and dig my toes in the sand feeling for sand dollars.
I want to feel the wet salt water on my skin,
and the sticky lush of it drying in 
the hot sun.

I want to eat shrimp and crab legs
I want to sit on the deck and eat breakfast.
I want to read God's word with the ocean before me
so that I can meditate on the wonders of His grace.

I want to be on the beach as the sun goes down,
lingering as darkness falls
to see the stars in the big expanse of heaven
and the moon, the lesser light,
reflecting on the water.

hmmmm, I think I know just the place!

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