Friday, August 25, 2017

"tanked" part one

So, yesterday morning I went to get a pedicure.
A pedicure is a very relaxing experience,
a time to lay back and let someone pamper you.
It was everything I had hoped for and more.
Except for walking out in paper flip flops and forgetting my real shoes,
it was a most wonderful experience.

Backing up a little...
On Wednesday evening,
while preparing to make some sweet tea for our dinner,
(Bubba's famous shrimp scampi)
He discovered that the large, black, underground tank
 that holds the propane gas that fuels our cooking stove was empty.
No worries!
"I'll call the gas company,
they'll be out tomorrow morning."
And off we went to Spanky's to get some chicken fingers.

So back to yesterday, 
when I returned home from my pedicure, 
a very large propane gas truck was in our driveway. 
I was glad to see their promptness in getting us gassed up again.
It's never good to be without your stove!
The jolly man apologized for blocking my entry.
"No worries," I shouted over the din of noise of the huge hose.
I entered the house and decided I needed a quick Cheez It snack.

Almost immediately the jolly man was banging on my backdoor.
"Maam" he said,
"We have a huge, huge problem."

Bubba had gone into town.
I was home alone.
My relaxing morning turned quickly into panic.

"tanked" part 2 coming tomorrow.

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