Sunday, October 22, 2017

a field of flowers in israel

I've never been to the holy land, but I read about it all of the time.
What an amazing place!
How I would love to go!

I have read most of the Bodie and Brock Thoene books.
From the struggles of the Jews in World War II of which I am obsessed,
right through until Israel became a state in 1948, three months after I was born.
I have walked the streets and fields,
hills and valleys with the fictional characters of these books.
I "feel" like I have been there in my soul.

In the Zion Legacy Series,
(there are six of them,)
three of the books are devoted 
to telling the story of the last few weeks of Jesus' life
 through the eyes of famous biblical characters.
 One of my favorites is Mary Magdalene.
Mary was a harlot who was saved and changed by our Lord Jesus Christ.

So interesting thinking about the perspective of the gospels 
as told through the characters whose lives were changed forever by the One.
Here is an example of what I mean.
Marcus is a Roman centurion,  Miryam is Mary Magdalene.....

"From the beach, the retreating sails of the three fisherman's boats
 stood out against the line of gray storm clouds gathering on the far shore.

The wind was up. A slight stirring only, but portent of greater force to come.
 Marcus could see the froth on the waves tipped by the approaching gale.

Jesus was in one of those boats, Marcus knew.

Miryam, perched on the belly of an upturned skiff, observed,
'A storm's brewing.'

'Where's He going?' Marcus asked.

She did not answer him.
Perhaps she did not know.
'Sometimes He just leaves.'

Marcus hoped to follow Him.

"I think it's maybe all the people.
Everyone needing so much.
It's unending....all the needs.
He goes away to the mountains....
to be alone beneath His stars.
He harvests the quiet.
Gathers peace unto Himself and remembers how it was.
Knows how it will be again.
He rests from us awhile.
Weeps quietly by Himself, I think, so He can stand among us without weeping.
Then He can gaze into the faces longing for His answers
and not break into a million pieces and tear the universe apart with the grief of it.
He loves us all.....every one of us.
And Oh! Love is such a heavy burden to carry sometimes."
Stones of Jerusalem

I wrote these few words from this book here because I love them.
These words are so beautiful to me.
I don't want to forget.
Jesus was a man.
He walked on this earth.
He felt deeply.
He gave His life for us.
My righteousness is in Him.

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