Wednesday, November 8, 2017

seeing hearts

You never know when one will show up.
They come out of the blue...
I'm speaking of hearts and how they appear in my life.
I am holding an oyster shell.
The colors behind are the sky, the ocean, and the sand.
I'll tell you how I came to have it.

So....Lucy and I were at the beach.
We brought a bucket, two kites, and two nets.
We tried for a long while to get a kite up,
but it wasn't happening.
I retreated to my low to the ground beach chair.
Lucy decided to take the bucket and the net to catch some minnows.

When I looked up,
she was approaching with the bucket saying,
"Grammy look what I caught."

She pulled out the black oyster shell and handed it to me
thinking she was playing a joke.
(She had not noticed the heart)
I started rejoicing quite loudly.
She thought I had lost my mind.
I showed her the heart and then she understood.
She had found her Gram a great treasure.
Lucy already knew about my obsession with "seeing hearts."
The last one she found was a chocolate chip cookie in the shape of a heart.

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