Sunday, April 22, 2018

the party that was well-worth waiting for

Yesterday I entertained again.
Oh, but I must say, without Bubba the party would never have happened.
It was a combination birthday party for Archie and Easter egg hunt.
What a wonderful time of family and fun.
I labeled it my "coming back to life again" party.
The menu was simple.
We made a broccoli-chicken casserole
(every ones favorite)
served with Bubba's amazing rice and yeast rolls.
I made my chocolate surprise dessert.
The boys whooped when they found out what sweet thing I made.

David and Lucy spent two weeks in Israel.
We waited for them to get home to have the hunt.
We were also waiting for me to feel better.
after dinner, everyone grabbed a basket and headed outside to hunt eggs.
There were 30 eggs, some stuffed with dollars bills.
Two golden eggs also stuffed with money rounded out the booty.
One was mine, the other granddaddy's.

My only advice other than not to kill each other was this....
Leave the extremely obvious eggs for little Walt.
Well Lo & Behold, Walt had a basket full early on,
and they were not the ones that were easily spotted.
He is a champion egg hunter!

Harry found my golden egg.
It was there in the walled fortress.
Yes, that is my fire pit still waiting to be built.
This was a major milestone for Harry.....
His first time to find this coveted treasure.
The kids look forward to this egg hunt all year long.

One of Grandaddy's clues lead everyone here,
but they were stone cold.

David played it cool and finally found the big prize 
hidden up in the tree 
covered with new spring leaves.

The big prize winners!!!
Harry said, "This year the males won."

Thank you Lord for Archie who is now officially ten years old.
Thank you for my life with these people.
Thank you for Your healing touch,
Your strength,
Your grace and mercy.
Thank you for my family that has walked with me every step of this long cancer journey.
Thank you because everything comes from You!!

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