Tuesday, August 7, 2018

happy birthday erika

Yesterday was Erika's birthday.
We celebrated into the night with food, gifts, and games.
The best part is just being together...
sharing what's new and laughing,
just enjoying the fellowship.

We had steaks and hash brown potato casserole and David's famous salad.
I made an Atlantic beach Pie which is Erika's favorite.
Gathering around the big farm table to eat is the best!

Erika is the busy mom of five growing children
who all love life to the fullest.
We are so thankful for her!
Her eyes sparkle when she smiles and she lights up a room.

Yesterday morning I took Lucy to get her back to school haircut.
Doesn't she look super cute?
Archie is wearing his Dad's jersey.
Harry loves to run around the outside of our house trying to beat his best time.
Walt seems overwhelmed with it all,
and Gus appears to be praying.
I love them all!!

The flowers are from my garden.
Life is sweet with kids around.
I am getting better...
more able to get out and do things again.

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