Thursday, July 11, 2019

our long awaited bithday lunch

All of us went to Savannah High School together.
We also went to church together...
Calvary Baptist Temple.
 On Tuesday we celebrated the fact that we have all turned 70.
Sometimes that age thing seems hard to believe,
but it is really true.
We have all known some hard knocks but have survived quite well.
We bask in our children and our grandchildren...
all that has come since we graduated in 1966 and went our separate ways.

From left to right...
Cathy Cleland
Linda Thompson
Mary Kaye Christenson
Frances Dantzler
Loucinda Grambling

I remember so many fun times with these girls.
I think the funnest time of all was when we went up to spend the night
in a little cabin in the middle of the woods
in the middle of nowhere.
Lou's mom dropped us off and told us she would see us the next day.

What I truly remember best about this time is that we hardly slept a wink.
We were basically scared out of our minds that the bogey man was loose in those woods and would be bursting through the door to get us at any minute.
Somehow we survived and lived to see another day.
We had to have all been a little nuts!!

I love these girls so much.
I am so thankful for them and for the blessings they are.

We met at The Olde Pink House.
This place holds many memories for us as well.
We would ride the bus downtown on Saturday and eat 
because Lou's sweet Aunt Elma worked there.
The rolls were to die for.

So glad this place wasn't lost in the fire back before Christmas.
It has been beautifully restored and is thriving.

Thank you God for old friends and good memories.

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