Thursday, August 29, 2019

super hero cuteness

"Gram, the Spider Man costume still fits," says Gus.
Wishful thinking Gus.
(but I didn't tell him)
"As long as you can squeeze into it, it is all yours," says Gram.
I found these pictures from back in May.
Too cute not to share.
Walt is a combination of Bat Man and Super Man.

"But Gram, we don't have a Spider Man mask."
"Why don't we make one I say,
we will need red construction paper, some string, and a marker,
Gather in the kitchen and we'll make it there."
It was my idea to choose white chalk to accentuate the eyes.
Gus thought it turned out perfectly perfect.
Big brother Archie joins in the fun.

And later Spiderman just wants to take off his mask and watch a show.
Walt has shed all of his super hero garb and is back to the basics.

Childhood is brief and fleeting.
Plenty of time to play and pretend,
and then it is gone.
So glad I have these blessings from the Lord.
And they were gathered to us from around the world.

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