Tuesday, September 3, 2019

let's get this hurricane over with

Ha, Ha!
It sure is!

As of this afternoon it looks like we will barely be touched by
Hurricane Dorian.
Thank you Lord for this answer to prayer.

So much hype for nothing.
This whole town has emptied out and here we sit,
holding down our fort. 
Our kids "escaped" to Orlando
with visions of Disney World in their heads.
They invited us but we opted out.

Just about everything in Savannah is closed.
So many have fled.
Bubba went to the beach this morning to baton down the beach condo.
Just another beautiful, sunny day down there.
It seems as if we have been waiting for Dorian for months.
Here is the latest forecast from the
National Hurricane Center.

We'll be watching and waiting for the passing of Dorian in the coming days.
I have lots of projects to work on here at the house.
I have a stash of books to read in my chair by the window watching it rain.
These hurricane days are perfect for the hermit in me.

😉 📚 💙

 And here is this...

Oh by the way...
there's another hurricane lurking out in the Atlantic by the name of 


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