Sunday, December 8, 2019

stopping for beauty

Fall has been beautiful in Savannah this year.
The colors of Autumn are hard to beat. 
One day a couple of weeks ago Amanda and I were driving through our neighborhood.
All of a sudden she brought the car to a screeching halt to get out and take a picture of a tree.
I jumped out and took a picture of her taking that picture.
One doesn't see color like that in south Florida.

In the South Fall is short and fleeting.
One day it's blazing hot and the trees are still full of green leaves.
The next day the trees are bare and it's freezing cold.
Fall takes a long time to get here and it departs quickly in a burst of freezing cold air.
One day it is 85 and the next day it is 50. 

Below is the progression of my favorite front yard tree.
It goes from fully loaded to almost bare in a little over a month.

We let all of the beautiful leaves fall and form a carpet.
Then last Friday our wonderful yard man came and cleared all of them away.
The grass was green again.
Now we have the stick trees of winter and it's going back up to almost 80 this week.


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