Sunday, February 21, 2021


When last I wrote my blog,
I was sitting in front of the fire savoring Christmas memories.
I was resting,
being thankful for the goodness of the Lord during my first year of widowhood.
The new year was certainly full of uncertainties,
 but I knew I was secure in Christ. 
I knew He was shepherding me in His will.
It was settled that I would stay in this home for at least another year.
I gave the house we looked at before Christmas not another thought.
Time to start taking the Christmas decorations down.
Time to relax, the holidays being over.

Then, I went to the mailbox.
Inside on that cold, rainy, wintery day.
I found staring up at me...
a commonplace catalog.
These fill my box nearly every day.
Most of them get thrown away immediately.
That catalog did not get thrown away.
It changed everything!

I know this highly charged "moment at the mailbox" happened before January thirteenth
because my sister came on that day and she became a huge part of the start of this process. 
So let's say five days into the month of January,
 I was thrust on an unforeseen path,
  moved along, 
by a hand not my own. 

"The mind of man plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9

*It will take me a little while to get through this story notwithstanding any more computer glitches.
Access to my photos is still not working correctly.
I am completely overwhelmed with packing as well.
My motivation and drive to write are nonexistent when I'm tired and weary.
Thank you for your patience as I pace myself,
 deal with a stubborn computer,
 and contemplate the distribution of a house full of 50 years of my favorite things.


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