Monday, March 8, 2021

my winter tree

I get up super early every morning.
One of the reasons this happens is because I go to bed super early at night.
The main benefit of my sleep schedule... 
I am able to spend a lot of time in the wee hours of the new day, before the fire, reading God's word.
We have had a cold winter here in the deep South.
My fireplace has gotten a lot of use.

I took this picture a few weeks ago.
The sunrise is pertinent to my post today.

Jesus told a large group of people that He was teaching this truth...
He said, "I am the light of the world." 🌄
One commentator I was reading on John chapter 8 speculated that the sun was coming up on the horizon when he uttered these words.
The sun does for the earth what His word does for our soul.
It fills us with light and warmth and growth.
I always love to see the sunrise!

Just this afternoon I am starting to feel better after my fall.
What a sore few days I have spent, 
trying to keep working,
not being able to do much, 
feeling sadness and untrue thoughts start to creep their way into my mind.
So thankful for the truth of God's word to nurture my soul today.

I read this verse earlier...
"Heal me, O Lord,
 for my bones are dismayed and my soul is greatly dismayed."
Psalm 6:2&3

Jesus always has some choice words for me.
He didn't want me or my bones to be dismayed.
He wanted me to rejoice today that my body is healing and good things are happening.

Thank you for all of your prayers!
I was protected from serious harm.
God is good all the time!


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