Monday, July 5, 2021

our july 4th celebration.

We met at my new house at 5:15 yesterday afternoon.
I had planned this celebration in my head weeks and weeks ago.
I wanted to celebrate July 4th in my new backyard.
As you can see, much progress has ensued at the duplex.
I now have an official second floor.

They called this picture 
"Sparkly Grammy."

Here we are standing in the very center of the house.
To the far right will be my fireplace.
We are standing kinda where my sofa will be.
We walked around visualizing all of the rooms and closets and bathrooms and such.

Our table was makeshift...
a piece of plywood on some bricks in the backyard.
We had sub sandwiches, chips, and watermelon.
Lucy made brownies and strawberries complemented them beautifully.

Nothing quite like a blue quilt on my green, green grass...

...and some well-placed beach chairs.
Erika said, "I can't figure out why we don't use our beach chairs more often."
"They are so comfortable!"

We played our favorite outside game of lawn darts.

David won, Erika came in second, and Gus took home third prize.

This picture was taken by Harry.
I love the bush branch in the foreground.
He likes photography.
He wants a camera like mine.


We did sparklers before it got dark.

I am so thankful for all of these people that are on this journey with me.
It was almost my favorite Fourth of July ever.
I will tell you why in my next post.


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