Thursday, January 2, 2025

Ben Rector - Extraordinary Magic - 6/27/2018 - Paste Studios - New York, NY

This song!
I 💗 it!

I spent this afternoon at my desk going through a large stack of notes and notices that had accumulated since Thanksgiving that I had ignored and wished I had thrown away.

Christmas gift lists, 
gift receipts,
grocery lists, 
instructions on how to make macaroni and cheese, 
telephone numbers,
people I needed to contact for various and sundry reasons,
reminders to take my car in for maintenance, etc...

Sorting through all of this was a monumental task that I had put off and dreaded.

But there in the midst of the madness of discarded holiday notes was this... 
Ben Rector, Extraordinary Miracles, with a note to myself to...
"Listen when you have a moment."

If I hadn't finally made time to go through the stack, 
I would have forgotten all about this reminder.

Some people really do have "the magic."
Life is full of wonder for them.

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