Thursday, October 24, 2013


Before we left Jupiter, Florida,
on Tuesday morning,
Bubba and I were privileged to attend 
the chapel service at Jake and Eli's school. 
 A little birdie had told us that Jake was to get an award.
The award was for perseverance.
 is the ability to stick with a task 
even though it is difficult 
and to see that task through to the end.

Here is Jake,
among his classmates,
 after hearing that he had won this award.
Just look at his friends,
how happy they are.
His teacher is doing some high clapping.
My most favorite is his little brother,
bottom left,
proudly smiling and looking on excitedly.

Jake jumped off the bleachers,
did a little jig,
and went on proudly to receive his award.
I love these boys!

Sometimes God calls on us to do difficult things.
Many times these things are painful,
and cause much distress.
Sometimes our task may be just to remain 
quiet and prayerful,
while He accomplishes His purposes
 in our lives and the lives of those around us.

I love how God works!

I remember,
it's probably been about six weeks ago,
I was praying and I said this to God....
"Things have sure been easy lately."
It wasn't three days before the bottom fell out.

You never know 
when that which you hold dear 
will be snatched out from under you.
Nothing is certain...very few things remain the same.

What do I do?
and let God do His work, in His way and in His timing.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

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