Friday, November 8, 2013

another one...

....cutie that is.
This is Jake at his "Tall Tale" night at school.
This boy and his brother Eli
made the President's List at their school....
all A's. 
I am so proud!
They are doing so well,
learning so much,
and having just a great time in first and second grade.
Can't wait to see them at Thanksgiving.

I am going to pick Lucy up in a few.
She and I will probably go to the beach 
to feed the alligators
 and eat some crab legs.
The weather is beautiful, sunny, and cool.
She is spending the night.
We are going to watch the move Hook and eat Blue Bell ice-cream.
In the morning,
 her granddaddy is taking both of us to
I-hop for breakfast.

Little things,
and time spent together having fun,
make memories that last for a lifetime!
Thankful, so thankful, 
for these precious children in my life.

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