Wednesday, November 6, 2013

outside 2 night

If you haven't already,
run outside and look at the beauty in the sky.
It takes my breath away every time I see
 God's handiwork up there.
He made all of these things and put them on display.
His creation just cries out in praise to Him.

Update on Bleached Pine Cones

I went back to downtown Savannah this morning,
back to my favorite store...
The French Market.
They still had some bleached pine cones.
"Are these bleached or painted," I asked.
I was told they were bleached.
"Well, when I tried to bleach my pine cones it didn't work."

Oh you silly girl...
"There is a long process to make them look like this," I was told.
Forget the long process,
I am buying these and I did.
Love them......

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