Saturday, February 1, 2020

you gotta start somewhere

Thank You God for Your word.

This world that we live in would be a very dark place without the light of Your word.
It is our hope, our light, our truth.

I have read the Bible from beginning to end many times.
I know the conclusion.
I know that there is a very happy ending for all who love God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Never read it?
You gotta start somewhere.
Just pick it up and commence to read.
If you seek Him and ask Him, He will reveal His truth to you.

I'm in Exodus right now...taking it slow and easy this year.
Stopping to meditate and re-read some passages.
Reading all of the footnotes.
Pausing and praying along the way.
I have no greater treasure than my copy of the letter God wrote and preserved for me.
You will find the mysteries of God in His word if you linger there.


*You might have heard the verse in the picture above as a song.
I love Amy Grant's version.


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