Friday, April 3, 2020

but not quite yet

This morning Amanda left to go back home. 
She has been my faithful companion, cohort, and best friend for these last five weeks
 since my husband and her dad left us to go on to his heavenly home.
It was right for her to go,
it was time,
it is the "next thing,"
but it ripped my heart out 
and caused more of those ever-present, just out of sight always, tears to come rushing out.

She has her life, her husband, her children waiting for her.
She can't be up and down I-95 every other week.
She can't be here with me indefinitely.
It was time for her to "go home."
But, humanly speaking...
I will sorely miss you sweet daughter of mine...
Heart of my heart.

That's Jake and my sister Teri in the picture.
Later in the afternoon, after the funeral, we visited Bubba's gravesite to gaze upon the beautiful flowers.
 We needed to see and contemplate that all was complete on this side of eternity,
that we had done everything we could do to take care of all of the" details of death."
We were together and somehow that made everything seem okay.
Now we move on into the reality of life without the best dad and granddaddy and husband in the world.
He had all of our backs,
he was our safety net,
he always knew the right thing to do, to say.

We will get better, all of us.
But not quite yet.


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