Saturday, August 8, 2020

i've got your back

This picture popped up in my Facebook memories this morning.
I think we were down at our condo...
probably watching the dolphins playing in the ocean.
Needless to say, it took my breath away.

I am just back from Hilton Head.
David and his family invited me to vacation with them this year. 
We had a beautiful villa in Palmetto Dunes.
It was just what I needed and just where I wanted to be.
We had a lovely time.

Hilton Head had always been a favorite for Bubba and me.
It just always feels like home.
I grew up going there and we raised our family there every summer.
Our last trip was for a week last September.

To go back was one of those endless "firsts" that have to happen after your spouse of almost fifty years is no longer with you.
It was bittersweet.
I enjoyed every minute, but the sadness was there.
I am thankful that I got to go spend some time on the beach...
my happiest of places.
I loved being with my family.
The ocean and the sand and the sun lured me in.
I basked in the glow of it all.
I will share some pics, maybe tomorrow.

I'm thinking of going back to Hilton Head alone in September for a week, maybe two.
I have to have my cancer scans done in a few days.
If those turn out good, I may just go and let the beach work it's wonders on me for a while.
We'll see.

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