Wednesday, September 30, 2020

"God makes darkness and it is night"

When Bubba died on the last day of February,
 I took solace in the truth that the days were getting longer. 
More light was on its way. 
 It was a good start to the process of mourning for my husband. 
That was then,
If you've noticed, the light is going away and the darkness is coming sooner. 
I've been dreading this loss of light,
 trying to grasp it,
begging it to stay a little longer 
but it can't.
These days and seasons and rotations are how God ordained this earth to be.

I am still meditating in Psalm 104.
These words have blessed my soul and given me so much hope.
This happens quite frequently.
God stops me at a passage and keeps me there for a while because He has something for me to learn.
This morning the lesson was to not be afraid of the darkness.

"Drawing down the blinds fo us, 
God prepares our bedchamber so we may sleep.
Were there no darkness we should sigh for it,
 since we should find repose so much more difficult
if the weary day were never calmed into night.
Let us see God's hand in the veiling of the sun,
and never fear either natural or providential darkness 
since both are of the Lord's own making."

Charles Spurgeon
comments on Psalm 104

Is this not an amazing array of truth?
Darkness and all of God's creation is sovereignly controlled by His own hand.
The lesson for me is to let go of my fear and dread.
The night is a beautiful gift from God.
It is meant to bring joy and rest.
God is good, always!



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