Sunday, November 1, 2020

a very sweet halloween

These kids have been instrumental in getting me through the months since their Granddaddy died.
They give me a reason to keep going,
to keep trying,
to hope,
to laugh,
to look to the future.
I will forever remember the love and compassion they have shown me.
Yesterday they came out for dinner and to help me give out my ten pounds of Halloween candy.
When Lucy came in the door,
she handed me this sunflower that she had bought for me...

She thought of me,
she knows I love flowers.
My heart overflows.

We all had fun greeting the trick or treaters from the neighborhood.
Even though they were few and far between,
there was definitely a festive air to the evening.

I made cut out cookies for dessert. 🡇

They were so good!
There is something wonderful about making something beautiful out of a ball of dough.
We took the extra ones to church this morning for snack time.
They were well received!

Of course, the key is the presentation of your goodies.
Sugar cookies in a glass cake server.
Why not?

My kinda spooky table setting.

we had a lovely evening,
I laughed with these loved ones so hard.
I haven't laughed like that since Bubba died.
I am so thankful for laughter.
It kinda cleans out your soul.

"These words, 
which I am commanding you today,
 shall be on your heart.
And you shall teach them diligently to your sons.
And shall talk of them when you sit in your house 
and when you walk by the way 
and when you lie down
 and when you rise up." 
Deuteronomy 6: 6~7 

This is the verse that I memorized this past week.
It tells us of the importance of God's word in our daily lives.
How we should make sure to teach it to our kids and talk of it all day long.

The particular verse (these words) referred to here is Deuteronomy 6:5
"And you shall love the Lord your God 
with all your heart  
and with all your soul 
and with all your might."



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