Sunday, November 15, 2020

when life gives you lemons ~ make lemon pie

I ended up with 10 viable lemons on the big lemon tree.
There were zero lemons on the small lemon tree.
I now have fertilizer for the coming year.
They never got fed last year.
I know where, how, and how much to apply to the soil surrounding these beauties.
I'm hoping that they will produce bountifully next year.
Yesterday I picked the first prize.
It was as big as a grapefruit.
I think I let it stay on the limb a little too long.
From one lemon I got half a cup of juice...
enough to make one lemon pie.
They are so fragrant and pungent!
Nothing like home grown.


My faithful family came over yesterday for supper.
They love this pie and were quite excited to gobble it up.

These lemon trees are part of Granddaddy's legacy,
We dedicated the pie to him and wished he was here to enjoy it with us.


It's beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving!
These holidays are so hard for me.
I feel Bubba's loss so deeply when we are all gathered and he is not a part.
Thankfully, God's love is greater than all of the sorrow.
His grace and His mercy hold me up and keep me going.



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