Friday, June 21, 2024

Hope Summer Bible Camp 2024 is in the books

We were the snack team...
Cathy, Sherry, Kasey, and baby Daisy.
We stood in the breezeway every day from 9:00 until 11:30 
handing out healthy snacks and friendly smiles.
It was hot, but God sent breezy conditions which kept us from sweltering.

I was reminded of my Bible School days at Calvary Baptist Temple.
We walked down Barnard Street to the Fellowship Hall
where the sweet ladies greeted us and handed out delicious snacks.

It was a wonderful week of fun and great Bible teaching.
The children memorized verses from the book of Ephesians
about the Armour of God.
They learned how we can use God's word to fight all of the schemes of Satan.

These are some of the men of our church...
The pastors, the teachers,  the elders, the husbands, and the fathers.
They labored so hard this week working with the kids in various capacities.
They offered themselves up this morning to be pied in the face by the happy campers.
(we used plates full of whipped cream)
The children were ecstatic and almost insane while this was happening.
 What a mess but what a delight.

God was glorified this week and He blessed all of our hard work.
There were no problems.
The only injury that I know of was that Dip, the turtle, who lives in the courtyard,
bit a child's finger.
The children had been warned not to offer up their fingers to Dip.

May God's Word work in these little hearts for salvation.
May the seeds planted in their minds grow and be fruitful.
May the verses memorized this week not be forgotten but stored in their souls.


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