Sunday, June 23, 2024

a day to myself without much to do

This is David's famous selfie of our 2024 family trip to South Florida.
On the last day, we always go to the beautiful Jupiter Inlet.
Usually, we take lots of pictures.
This year the sun was hiding behind clouds so this was the only shot we got.
We sure missed Lucy.
But we had a blast!
That's all of my photos.
Until next year! 

Yesterday morning I got up and made blueberry muffins just for myself.
After a week of getting up and going early,
I relished in a lazy morning with several cups of coffee and my Bible.
These muffins were the perfect accompaniment.
There is nothing like a day to myself without much to do.

The sermon this morning...
Psalm 23
"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want."



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