Sunday, May 5, 2019

happy birthday walter #4

Walter really likes Lightening McQueen and all of the cars from the Disney Pixar Cars movies.
He loved his race car birthday cake.

Grammy planned all outdoor games for Walt's party.
Right before time to start,
the thunderstorms came.
after dinner, 
the weather cleared up long enough for us to get our games in.
Gus is playing "Super Bad" badmitten."

Walter is trying his hand using the oversized  shuttlecock.

Archie is playing "Beach Ball Bop."
aka (how long can you keep the ball in the air without letting it touch the ground.)
Walter is just having a fabulous time.

Gus is in the air for an action shot.

Harry is playing "Race Car Mania."
He won this game by exerting some precision eye work.

Grammy is watching Archie launch his race car from the starting line.
Such suspense!

Our sweet Lu watching all of the action.
She had her piano recital earlier this same morning.

Here is the best I could do shot of Lu at the piano.
She played beautifully and this Grammy was, of course, enthralled.

Here is Walt with his gifts.
He enjoyed opening every one of them
His favorite was Max...
an eighteen wheeler transport truck that holds fifteen mini cars and trucks.
It is so amazing to see how this little guy has adapted to his new life in the
United States of America.

Walter with his family.
God is so good.
He puts children with families who love them.

This was long tonight.
Tomorrow I will share what happened this afternoon.
The oldest four of these precious souls were baptized.
I cried.
My heart couldn't hold it in.
Blessing upon blessing.
Thank You Lord for Your gift of salvation through Your Son Jesus Christ.

(Erika took all of the outdoor shots.)

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