Thursday, May 30, 2019

count your blessings

Cockspur Lighthouse
Tybee Island, Georgia

If you travel to Tybee Island from Savannah,
you will see this gorgeous lighthouse to your left as you cross over the Lazaretto Bridge.
I love this landmark.
It always catches my eye.
It sits on a tiny spit of land in the river just off from Fort Pulaski.
When the tide is high the land is covered completely and the waves lap up on the sides of the structure.
One cannot visit.
It would crumble with human traffic.
It's beauty is to be beholden only with one's eyes.

It's very hot in Savannah.
Our grass is brown and unsightly.
I got all of those flowers that I bought planted in a timely fashion...
now we are struggling to keep them watered to give them a fair chance at surviving.

Last evening Bubba and I drove down to the island to get some fried shrimp.
We spotted a dark cloud and heard some thunder.
Nothing materialized though.
We came home to do the water dance one more time.
When it sizzles like this I long for rain.
When the sun is unrelenting,
bearing down on the earth like a laser,
I long for a cloudy day,
a respite from the oppressive heat.
Summer came with a vengeance this year...
way too hot,
much to soon.
No complaining though. 
What about all of those storms and tornadoes...
all of the flooding rain.
The people who died,
those who lost their homes.

Grumbling and complaining is a worthless activity.
It only makes you and the people who have to be around you miserable.
So...put on a happy face, find ways to stay cool, and count your blessings.
God is so good All the time!


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