Saturday, June 1, 2019


I was watering my plants night before last...
just casually in my own world,
thinking about how much I love flowers growing in the yard,
when something caught my eye.
There was an armadillo just steps away writhing in the grass.
The first thing that came to my mind was...
You can see him in the picture just right of center.
I scooted him with the hose, but he just kept doing what he was doing.
"Maybe I should get help," I said to myself.

"Help" for me is named Bubba.
He quickly came down the stairs with his rifle.
It really just shoots BB's not bullets.
His first shot was a direct hit and the poor creature went scampering off into the woods
never to be seen again.
Hopefully he put him our of his misery.

While he was back there looking for his kill,
Bubba found an Easter egg.
After our Easter egg hunt back in April we were unable to find 4 of the hidden eggs.
In the process of planting and cleaning the yard we had found two of them. 
This lovely blue one brings us up to three.
There is one more out there.
Probably has money in it. (this one didn't)

haven't seen the presence of any deer in our backyard for well over a year.
The were back last night.
They destroyed three of our hydrangeas that Bub has worked so hard to get growing.
They didn't bother any of my newly planted beauties,
but there's always tonight.
I will be devastated if they are back.
Going to have to go back to drastic measures.


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