Thursday, June 6, 2019

a perfect storm

Yesterday afternoon we had a monster of a thunderstorm.
David and Erika and the kids were here.
We were all sitting around the table eating and talking and laughing
when all of a sudden there was the sound of a very loud and very close explosion.
We looked at each other and asked,
"What was that?"
It was thunder.
We didn't even see the lightning but it had to be nearby.
Afterward came the deluge.
Rain and tons of rain came gushing out of the sky.
We were all ecstatic.
We ran out on the back porch to witness the rare event.
It had been months since we had a good rain.
 Such a marvelous sight!
Thank you Lord for the rain.
 We sure needed it!
Hopefully the grass will live and not die.

These are my newest Vietre' dinner plates.
Yes, I am obsessed with them.
They are the color of the ocean and the color of the walls in our house.
These are our summer place settings.
New quilted placemats too.
White, just perfect to feed our plethora of boys on. 😉
Dinners are very special here.
A lot of planning and work goes into each meal.
I simply must have the table set perfectly...
sometimes bouquets of flowers,
always lit candles.

This is my now famous pie...
Atlantic Beach Pie.
Key lime with made from scratch whipped cream.
Everybody loves it.
I can't taste it any more but I love to make it for others to enjoy.

Hoping for more rain this afternoon.
Nothing like rainy days in Georgia.

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