Saturday, June 22, 2019

summertime fun

This weekend we hosted Archie & Harry at our house.
I'll just say this...
It was the weekend of bike riding.

A couple of weeks ago our neighbor on the corner
 put two bikes out by the street on top of a mattress to be discarded.
I saw them on my way into town that morning.
They were still there when I came home later in the day.
When Bubba got home we walked down and brought them home with us.
We were so excited!
Neither one of them would roll.
We had to carry them.
He took them to our bike shop and had them reconditioned.
The green one went to Harry and the other one will go to Jake.
They are in perfect condition.
Archie inherited Harry's old bike.

Yesterday morning, 
Bubba picked the boys up early and took them out to the Landings to ride.
They came home hot and exhausted but very excited.
After resting
 we took them to Papa's for shrimp.
We then came home 
and I watched the fifth Harry Potter movie with them.

This morning when they finally woke up,
(we wore them out yesterday)
we served them breakfast in front of the television
so that they could watch Scooby Do cartoons.
They loved it!!

Harry and I played two games of checkers.
I am teaching him how to play.
I won both games but he did much better the second time.
Then more bike riding before they left to go home.

I love children!
I like to talk to them, watch them, play with them.
I like to make them happy.
What a blessing they are.!!!

Right before they left Archie said to me,
"Grammy, I have so much fun at your house!"
He made my day!!

Oh by the way,
Harry found a small snake out in the cul de sac.
He was dead, frying on the hot asphalt.
He wanted to have a burial for him
bur Granddaddy said no to that.
He told him to throw him down the storm drain.


He borrowed his Granddaddy's glove to do the honors.
Life with boys!!
Recently Harry brought a lizard in his hands to my backdoor.
I freaked.
I thought the boy knew better!!!


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