Tuesday, March 17, 2020

only by faith

Everything changed in an instant.
It was an ordinary Saturday afternoon.
My husband walked out to the mailbox,
came back into our home and handed me my mail, 
walked up the stairs, sat down in his chair.
In the next instant, he was gone.
God took Bubba to heaven in the twinkling of an eye.
No struggle, no suffering.
Just like that, he went to be with Jesus.
While I was still trying to rouse him, he flew away to heaven.

For the last several years of his life, he had a passion for people's souls.
He spent much of his time sharing the gospel.
I have heard so many of these stories in these days since he left me.
From people scattered all around town in the most unlikely places...
Chick-Fil-A, the deli at the commissary, the State Farm insurance office to name just a few.
He loved to help others and looked for ways to serve.
He took such good care of me in my cancer ordeal...
always looking for food that I could swallow and enjoy.

He prepared me too, in so many ways.
He would run off pages for me to read from his beloved Martin Lloyd Jones.
Each night he came down to sit by me in my big white chair.
He would pray for me and our children, their spouses, and our grandchildren.
He would pray for those he had spoken with that day.
He would supplicate to the Lord for our church and our country.
He prayed fervently.
He truly was a man of God.

I love to think of him in heaven.
What he is seeing and learning.
The pure joy that permeates his soul.
I wouldn't call him back for the whole world.
He now knows what he knew here only by faith.
My heart rejoices for him.

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